23 March 2010

some learnings


1. Even one suitcase is probably more than you need.
2. Your attitude is completely dependent on your attitude. ha.
3. Our value doesn't change to God no matter how screwed up or screwed over we become.
4. The good in the worst place still out weighs the bad.
5. Most of communicating is non-verbal.

6. We are all quite small (no, not just me). How do we feel invincible when something as gentle as the breeze shakes more earth than we ever will?
7. We probably weren't meant to live complicated lives.
8. I am convinced that God created this earth. Look outside. Better yet, look outside somewhere that seems to have no human influence. It can stand on it's own and it's far more ingenious and complex than our complicated whatevers.
9. Things that can't be plugged in have more value than things that are.
10. Suffering can bring about real joy.
11. If I were God, I probably WOULD create all the different species, colors, textures, landscapes, etc. Isn't that what you'd expect from infinite power? How could the world get any more delicate / solid / large / small?
12. Worship is universal.
13. It's fun to sit down during worship time and just write down what you think the words mean in your own vernacular. That's what I've found.
14. People always bring about more joy than my MacBook. Always.
15. Lost my favorite sunglasses in the ocean but I THINK THERE ARE BIGGER THINGS THAT COULD HAVE BEEN LOST.
16. It's good to just sit and be happy with where everything is. No use in being discontent when you shouldn't do it all anyway.
17. Life is better when there are fewer clocks and mirrors.
18. If you've been blessed, take care of it. God gave me a great apartment and I came home to a disaster. Cleanliness is Godliness. I guess I'd be mad too if someone trashed the house I gave them. Have a little pride, Becky.

19. when in doubt, pray.
20. If you have a layover that is at least an hour long, go ahead and do a scavenger hunt. Ideas include: someone reading Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, velor jump suit, stroller used as storage (not child), socks + sandals, foreign hotties, someone who knows someone you know, and an airport worker who can say the alphabet backwards.

good trip.

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